Friday, September 3, 2010

Far From Home

Last night I got the call that my sister was heading to the hospital.....and I was going to be a Auntie yet again!! Well, this morning at 1:44 a.m. Gianna Olivia was brought into this world. She wieghed in at 8lbs 1oz and 22 in. long!! I am an Aunite x3...but 1200 miles away from home :(

Isn't she just beautiful?!?! I am amazed at the beauty of her. She looks so beautiful, so innocent. My prayer for you sweet girl and for your two BIG sisters as well, is that your grow up to be beautiful young ladies full of Godly character. That you would listen to His small voice in your most desperate time of need, and that you would cling to Him when your world feels like it is caving in. Although I am so far away on this very special day, I want you to know that I love you so very much sweet baby girl!! Welcome to this world Gianna Olivia <3


  1. Sweet! Love the new blog...hope you'll share often! Did you find a way to have fb post it's there somewhere, but not sure where. I did it for my homeschool blog.

  2. I will share as often as I can!!! Thanks :)

  3. Hi Lys, your new niece is precious! I'll check back when I can.
