Friday, September 3, 2010

Somthing BIGGER

" The devil himself desires nothing more than this, that the people of any place should be half-awakened and then left to themselves to fall asleep again. Therefore, I determine by the grace of God not to strike one stroke in an place where I cannot follow the blow" ~ John Wesley

John Wesley was a ordinary man, with an extrodinary passion for people to experience Jesus Christ personally. He started a movement, a movement that encouraged others to strive for a personal relationship with their savior. He never used his power for personal gain, he knew the seriousness of sin and the imminent judgment of God. he believed that people were lost without Christ, and that their sin brought destruction in this life and the next. He also believed that fiath in Chrsit could, and should, result in loving obedience to His commands. WOW! This brings me to say, that what if he never listened to that conviction that was in His die to his fleshy wants and desires, beg for forgivness from his heavenly Father and then set out on a journey far bigger then what he could have ever imagined. I have been searching these past few weeks, asking the Lord what his next plan is for my life...I have no job, I have no car, no house, and I am 1200 miles away from what I know as home. Then I came across this book....what if I am to be apart of somthing far bigger then what I can imagine or even fathom? Do you ever wonder if you are making the wrong decision or choice? If you are walking in the Lord's will? I know I have been asking these questions the past few weeks, even days. Are you doing what the Lord has set out for you to do?
I guess I say all of this to get you thinking....the Lord has somthing bigger for all of us. Things we may never imagine ourselves doing, but we need to be ready to anwser that call... the call of Christ

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